First of all. I want to go to Governor's School. I've always wanted to go, and if I get it, then I'll be happiest girl alive. That lasts four weeks. That's 4 weeks of MEETING NEW PEOPLE! And doing awesome stuff. I'm amped.

Secondly, we already have our flights booked for Seattle!! I've never even been on the west coast so I'm very excited. We're going to drive to Vancouver while we're so close, and I've never been to Canada. So it's a lot of firsts. Plus, for all you twilight lovers, YES we will be looking for Forks. I'm so excited. Did I mention that?

And lastly, (maybe the best thing), my parents want to visit Europe again. I went this past summer, but we only went to London. They want to go to Paris (never been), and to Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. I'm SO jazzed. I was born in Germany, and I've been there a lot, but it's still awesome that I can go and practice German and stuff. And I've been to Austria maybe even more cause it was 15 min. from our home and we went like once a month. But we usually went only for saltine crackers and pickles cause you couldn't get them in the CZ. And my parents want to do the Sound of Music tour. And of course, I'm

SO excited to go back to the Czech Republic, I haven't been in 5 years! And we plan on visiting our old friends there and are like my grandparents. And I might be able to see my friend Bara, whom I met last year in Saudi Arabia. That would be so cool.
So basically, I'm so pumped. That probably all sounded confusing but I had to get it out there. I'm so so so excited. I really hope it happens. The Seattle one is the only one official yet... But we'll see what happens. It's only October.
The castle is in Lednice, Czech Republic. I used to live in this town and during P.E. we would have to do laps around it. Good times.
Holy crap. You did laps around that giant thing?
I thought u were born in Czech Rep. Im confuse haha. But all that sounds amazing.
haha emily you are so NOT athletic. but then again if you were you wouldn't be emily...
hahaha aakash i was born in berlin. i just moved to the CZ soon after that... well after a few months in Poland...
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