YAY! That was fantastic. We didn't get to see Obama, but it was worth the experience.
Yesterday, our community came together to see Barack Obama speak! It was incredible how everyone took off time to wait in line. My town has James Madison University, and he was scheduled to speak at 5:30 p.m. My school gave permission for people to leave early after lunch to go see him (only if we have written permission from our parents of course). Its amazing how the community can come together because of ONE person. It was the first time a presidential canidate had come to Harrisonburg sense Douglas. (He ran against Abraham Lincoln).
I left school after first block, at 9:30 in the morning. And we stood in line for 6 and a half hours in the COLD. We had our first SNOW! Four cups of coffee later, the doors opened and people started trucking in.
Unfortunately we didn't go early enough. Well we did, but too many people cut in front of us and the 7200 seater building filled up too fast. We ended up going to a gym to watch a streaming video of the speech.
Even though it felt like we wasted a whole day, we didn't really... Because we got to be part of the movement. We got to come together with the whole town for this reason.
It felt good.
They're all equally bad. Obama and the Maccain.
Deceive us all.
The politician is the enemy of society.
Thanks for posting a disgusting picture of me.
OBAMA '08!
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