Friday, 21 November 2008


It's friday, and I can't concentrate. The following amazing things are about to happen:
Lunch, in 20 min.
Early Release
Going home with Emily
Going to see Twilight
Watching THMS's fall play
80's Dance
Staying the night at Emily's.

Isn't today PERFECT?
If only I didn't have so much online work to do.

Now, I shall annotate the schedule.

Lunch, in 20 min. HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY! I've eaten a granola bar and coffee today. and that's it, so i'm ready!!

Going home with Emily I haven't been there in awhile and hopefully I'll remember to bring my jacket back.
Going to see Twilight WOW. I have no words for that. I'm so excited, my friend told me it was good (despite the bad reviews) she said it's a good movie, but it just isn't much like the book. But if its a good movie, i'm okay. I'm prepared. I"M SO JAAZZZZEDDD. and I loved the shirts that we made. HORRAY.
Watching THMS's fall play Aww cuttie michael. I'm so excited. I love mr. strawderman.
80's Dance YES! even though NO ONE is going, it's still going to be fun. i love dancing. and hanging out and teasing my hair. ahahah i'm wearing skinnies, chucks, and a popped collar polo. WOO hoo. it's going to be great.
Staying the night at Emily's. Always fun. Heroes? maybe? yes.

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