Monday, 5 January 2009

Sad Sad Game

I had to devote an entire post to the FIRST loss of the season. UNC lost to Boston College. They had one 13 straight games with an average of 26 point lead! and then they lost. Tyler Hansbrough (aka God) scored 21 points. This has been a sad game. I'm glad I didn't watch it, I would've been really stressed out.
This is the only time I really wish we had cable. I really really really want to watch these games, but no one is interested enough to let me watch it with them. And when March Madness comes around I'm going to go crazy. Even my dad in Saudi Arabia watches more games than me.

The blog will now be Carolina Blue. =]


emilyrae said...

Is Tyler Hansbrough the guy on the right? What's wrong with his face?

Rutty said...

YES! the one in carolina blue.
his face always looks like that. but its okay. hes amazing