Friday, 9 January 2009


Today, I'm antsy, uneasy, figity, have a headache, not breathing enough, have too much work, want the day to be over, hungry, tired, and more uneasy.

I'm tired of people always trying to one up me. Its such a high school thing and really annoying. I'm also tired of explaining myself. I'm about ready to just keep it all inside. Whatever it is. It'd be so much easy to just FEEL these emotions, and do things without having to say why. Maybe because often I don't know why. I feel like I owe it to my fellow peers for them to know what I'm thinking but then again, it changes so often, it'd just cause a lot of unnecessary drama. And I'm done with drama.

I'm tired of texting. Tired of people repeating themselves. Really tired of certain people being so easily influenced. Tired of all the greed in this world. And the push to have the best car, or the best clothes, or the best hair. Its all really pointless.

I want someone really really real. Someone who is honest about everything. Someone who is ready too humiliate themselves because its the truth. Someone who cares, and admits it. I'm sick of the kind of person who goes to the gym but says they don't care what they look like. And I'm tired of the person who says they don't try at all, but they spend hours putting on makeup and fixing their clothes.

Thankfully, I've found some best friends who are real. I don't know how I would keep sane without them. They keep me in check; make sure I'm sticking to what I say. I love them because I can be blunt and honest, and they'll accept it. You go friends.

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