What got me started was reading in the Newsstreak (our school newspaper) about how a guy in my grade went to France for a summer. He stayed with a host family, spoke french and was confused for a French person. It made me miss the Czech Republic SO badly.

That's a map. Obviously haha. But you can see Mikoluv, I lived there for a month. And then Lednice, I lived there for 9 months. I went to a school in both of those towns. They're 15 km apart. I miss it soooo much. I lived on Kimenskeho (name of my street) it was at the end of the row, and we could walk to railroad tracks. There were beautiful sidewalks everywhere. I loved that house it was SO big. We had a creepy basement that we found all these fur coats in, and we took so many crazy pictures. Our backyard was filled with apricot trees. And they would all fall down and we had to rack them up for our neighbors who wanted them to make wine out of.
There was the most beautiful bike path to brecslav. I would get SO tired because my mom and sister would bike so much faster than me and I couldn't keep up.
I miss the heat of that summer. It was SO warm. Probably because that was the summer of the heat wave. haha.
I remember walking to my friends house, drinking orange juice, and listening to Avril Lavigne and Brittney Spears. That was a really fun day. I felt so free walking around all by myself. It was SO safe there. Mainly because it was such a small town. We walked everywhere, school, post office, grocery store. There was no need to go anywhere else.

Except we did go to church in Brno. It was 30 min. away and they had an awesome mall there. And here in Harrisonburg, outside our target there are these big red balls, just as decoration i guess, but it reminds me of Brno so much. That Brno mall was when I first saw Harry Potter 2, Lord of the Rings 2, and Pirates of the Carribean. I'm pretty sure it was all in czech. But I can't remember. I also ate McDonalds fries there, with sweet ketchup on a very tall stool. I don't know WHY I have that memory but I do. haha. They had a pretty elevator there and one time my class went on a field trip to that mall and we went up and down that elevator SO many times.

This is a picture from Mikoluv. A view from some place that takes forever to get up to. But i remember it distinctly. I remember wanting to jump from roof to roof really badly.
Anyway, I miss the Czech Republic.
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