Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Compare Contrast.
I can predict what you will say.
You're beautiful!
My parents don't approve.
You're a good height.
I don't want to hurt you =/
You're one of my best friends.
You aren't here right now. I miss you.
Repetition is annoying.
I'm very comfortable around you. Always will be.
You're unstable.
I love you.
I've also known you forever, but not very well.
I've thought of you this way for years.
You're talking to me SO much all of a sudden.
Take me to school? Sure!
My parents would probably approve.
You're so mysterious to me, I like it.
You're very good looking.
You're like a magnet. I can't keep away.
I don't even KNOW what you're thinking...
You never repeat yourself.
I don't know you at all.
...I shouldn't even be thinking about this at all.
For some reason I love Oprah on christmas. She is so festive! I love christmas MUSIC. I love friends who really care and remember things when you tell them. I love going to Christmas Eve services I used to hate it, but I know if I miss it for a year I'll be upset. I love the lights. I love the snow (if our dinky town will EVER get some). I love the presents of course. I love the atmosphere the most! I love christmas cards (no matter how fake they are bff). I love how everyone is happy, even the grim people! Seriously, its amazing how something that most people don't even believe in can make everyone so happy. The whole nation's spirits are automatically lifted in December. There aren't too many days until Christmas is here again. I hope it snows or something. I want to learn to snowboard SO badly. And I want to go ice skating. I want to ski. I want to play in the SNOW. I haven't seen snow in 2 years!
I love christmas... Just thought I'd write about that...
Monday, 15 December 2008
A few of my Favorite Things
Its dark and crowded but we're too tired to discuss
The relaxing effect as we wake up from the swings
These are a few of my favorite things helping me get through the block
Freshly written notes given to me while we walk
The end of the day when the bell rings
These are a few of my favorite things
Friends that make weekends full of laughter
Those are the ones that are sought after
Drinking Red Bull it gives me wings
These are a few of my favorite things
When the failures come
And you're no longer King
When I'm not doing my best
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so stressed
Thoughts on the Break
But actually, it might be a little lonely. Aakash is in India. BFF is going to Florida. My dad is in Saudi Arabia. Christmas won't be that fun because it's just going to be Me, Mom, and Abby. And things tend to get a little dramatic with 3 girls in the house for so long. I wish I was going somewhere for sure. I really hope I can go to Ohio, but if I do I'll have to go with the rest of my family and they aren't that close to the Barnhouses so it'll be weird for them.
Maybe I'll sleep a LOT. I wish I had Season 3 of Heroes on DVD so that I could just sit in my warm room and watch them. ALL. And then sleep and dream of Peter/Milo/Jess.
I guess I shouldn't focus on the break coming up just yet, I need to get through this week:
AP US Test
AP Lang Grammar and Vocab Quiz, Column Essay, Feature Story
Three Musical Rehearsals
AP Psych Test
Forensics Practice
History of Photography Ending
Algebra 2 SOL
I just remembered this break I have to do Drivers Ed online. I was supposed to be done with a lot of it, but I'm still on Module One. I hate my stupid computer at home. It gives me a headache. I'm also behind in AP Lang Journals, I have like 20 to do... Okay maybe 10. I don't know she never tells us how many we're supposed to have finished.
Thankfully, I have early release today, I plan to finish my Column Essay. Well start it and then finish it =]
Friday, 12 December 2008
My Mind at 10 AM
I realized that there are SO many ways to communicate. I'm so happy having a cellphone. Seriously, I remember life when I didn't have it and it was awful. Now in the car I text to my hearts desire. And I need to talk to someone on the phone I just call them up, nobody is on my phone. And no one is listening in. It feels really good to be in control like that.
This guy. He's just like Edward. He wrote me a lullaby, wears a peacoat every day, says cheesy stuff like him, wanted to buy a silver volvo. Now he read the book and realizes it I think haha. He took me to school today, (it was raining and cloudy just like Forks). and I felt like Bella. Except I'm nothing like her. Oh yeah, and he got a hair cut and does the same style as Edward. Its pretty awesome. I just need to get my emotions straight right now. And that's a dangerous thing to write about on a blog so here is where I stop.
I love musical, I want it to go on forever. We've only had like 5 rehearsals but I've loved everyone of them. I had to leave early yesterday because I had a forensics meet and i was sooo mad. I hate missing rehearsal.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Dealing with Protective Parents
As the years go on, I learn how to deal with them. I think it comes down to three basic things, communication, being mature and responsible, and compromising. Lets take a simple situation and show how these steps helped work it out.
I’ve always wanted to dye my hair. But my parents were convinced that I shouldn’t. It was risky; I was too young… excuses galore! The first thing to do is to sit down with them and tell them what you want. Communication is the only way to get your point across. DON’T just buy the dye go to a friends house and come back with purple hair. Now be ready to hear a flat out ‘no’ but have a come back. This takes a lot of planning. But with the right kind of talking it will work out better in some way.
It helps if you already have their trust. If they say no, they have to know that you will obey them. So keep a clean history, and if you’ve already messed up their trust then don’t both with asking them for something else. So be mature and calm about the situation. Also remember, if your parents are so protective then they must have a reason for it. Even though you can’t possibly imagine why they would be holding you back, they actually do have an answer. The key is to ask! It shows that you’re mature and that you care. Which leads to the third step.
“Mom and Dad, I almost always listen to what you tell me to do. I have good grades, nice friends, I clean my room etc. and I feel like I deserve this”. Most likely, they’ll agree that you do (if what you said was true). This will open their minds to new thoughts about maybe loosening up. Then suggest something a little less drastic than the original idea, showing that you’re open to haggle with the situation. Originally, I wanted to dye my hair dark brown (from blonde!) then I suggested maybe I could just do natural highlights as a first experience.
After you have communicated, been mature, and compromised let them talk amongst themselves. Parents will have different ideas, and will want to communicate themselves. If they don’t talk to you about the situation after a few days, mention it once again. But don’t nag or complain. Eventually, they will let up. If they really do say no again, it’s okay because you can use it as more help to you next time you want something by saying, “Since I’m not allowed to dye my hair even thought I’m responsible and was willing to compromise maybe I can…” fill in the blank.
Over protective parents mean they care about you and truly love you. They just don’t want their little girls and boys growing up. Just remember to communicate your feelings, be reasonable, and be ready to compromise. It’ll all work out with careful planning.
The Consequences of Not Breathing
It was the spring of fourth grade. Goochland was my new home I was comfortable and happy there. I had moved to the school in the middle of third grade and immediately felt a connection. My friends and I always went to hang out under a climbing wall of huge black tires during recess. It was nice and cool under the shade of the sun-warmed tires.
“It’ll look just like a tomato!” I said, “Just watch!” I took a deep breath as if I was about to go underwater and held it in tight. I built more and more pressure in my head and watched as the teachers gasped in surprise. Moments later I felt all the stability in my body leave and I fell straight backwards completely blacked out.
The smell of gravel filled my nostrils and alerted me. The first thing I felt when I woke up was my back aching. I realized I had fallen on the wooden log that bordered the playground. I slowly opened my eyes.
“Do you want some water? Are you okay? Drink some water. Can you breathe alright?” The voice said frantically. Through the sliver opening in my eyes I saw a teacher crouched down right in front of me. She was holding a glass of water, with her other hand held out to help me up. I looked around and saw the entire fourth grade looking down at me, surrounding me. Vague whispers of concerned voices filled the air as I realized where I was.
I stood up and regained my balance. I felt a tingling sensation of all the blood being rushed back to the proper place in my body.
“No I think I’m okay,” I told her while she made forced the water into my hand.
“Colby! Go tell Mr. Harriston to come here so he can carry her to the nurse!” the Teacher said. He attention directed back to me as she switched her tone to sweet again, “Honey are you sure you’re alright?”
I didn’t want anyone to pick me up; I felt dizzy enough. I mumbled the rejections of her command but it was too late. Here came the 400-pound Physical Education teacher already sweating from his trot over to us. I felt my body being lifted.
Looking back, I don’t remember anything else after that moment. I think I recovered and went on with my day. I do remember coming home, and Ms. Whitaker calling my mom because I had forgotten to tell her the day’s events. She thought it was funny that I didn’t even mention what had happened; I guess it didn’t seem so important.
That was the first time I’d ever fainted, and I haven’t passed out since. It was really stupid of me to not realize what I was doing would have that outcome. I was so proud that I could turn my face red and no one else could that I didn’t think about the dangers…
It was the first day that the idea of my actions having consequences dawned on me. In away it was a big step in growing up. Everyone has his or her epiphanies, and I like how my first one turned out.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Algebra 2, that's ending. Praise Allah. But I'm just going to go right into Pre-Calc Honors next semester.
My History of Photography online class is ending. And my teachers hasn't graded the past 3 weeks of assignments so I don't know what my grade is at all. Which is nerve wracking because its the final grade. In place of that will be Chemistry Honors. Ew? I hate science so much.
Then I just keep having AP US, AP Lang, AP Psych, and Early Release. But I don't drive so whoop there.
But I have musical which is really really awesome. Its what gives me a reason to go to school.
Last night I went to our girls basketball game, our Blue Streaks are BALLIN. literally. That was fun, but I got home at like 9:30 and remembered that I needed to take notes on all of Chapter 11 in Bailey. I did like... 6 pages and then Evan called me and we talked for an hour. He made me feel better. My problems compared to his. wow. Not really comparable.
But I need to finish my column number 4 for Lang. =/ So I'm going to have to stop procrastinating on this exciting blog. haha.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Those are the kind of people I want to be more like.
The acquaintances who go home during early release to make cookies and bring them back for you.
The best friends that stay OUT of drama and get into things only if they're forced.
The teachers that really care if you're learning the material in their class or not.
The coaches who work hard with you because you don't know what you're doing.
The random people who encourage you to join the team or club.
I really appreciate those kinds of people.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Mikoláš Den
I got a Capo for my guitar FINALLY! I can now play Love Story by Taylor Swift the right way. =] And I don't remember anything else I got at this moment. haha must've not been so important. The whole point of christmas has never been the gifts for me anyway. Its just been the atmosphere. That's by far my favorite part.
At church on Sunday this guy walked in and walked right up to the front in the middle of the sermon and knocked one of the advent candles over and put it out. Then he kept on walking and out the door. Our pastor flipped but tried to keep his cool. He continued with the sermon and everyone else was SO distracted. Turns out he's some guy who actually GOES to our church. He's bipolar and doesn't feel like he should take his meds. So... I don't really see that as an excuse. It was just really interesting.
So that was my weekend in a nutshell. I also went to the christmas parade, and went to Daves Taverna.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Clothes, Trees, and Rehearsal.
With christmas coming maybe i'll get sweet clothes or money to buy sweet clothes. Cause I'm tired of my wardrobe now.
Hey it's Friday! I love fridays! I'm going to go to the christmas parade, Daves Taverna, and then see the new James Bond movie? That'd be fun. Maybe someone can spend the night at my house.
Yesterday we put up our tree, well first we bought our tree, then we put it up (well I wasn't there for that I had musical rehearsal) and then put lights, and ornaments! It looks really classy, and smells SO good. But it was really stressful decorating with my family, as usual, because my dad had Jet Lag (he flew in the night before), and he was REALLY cold he whined the whole time and refused to help. My mom didn't like that I wanted to put ALL the ornaments up there. and Abby was moody as usual. I'm so glad I'm not 13 anymore haha. But whatever, it's pretty much a tradition for our family to argue over stuff like that all the time. It's just how we roll my dad is very dominate, my mom get moody, and abby always wants to tell pointless annoying stories (even though I love her =]).
Musical rehearsal (the first one!) was really fun. I was so scared because the people I worked with all old hands at it. We learned the songs and sang them for the first time. I'm still working on all the parts and trying to memorize the lyrics. But I'm only in 2 songs (maybe 3) so it won't be too bad. Hello Dolly is actually a cute musical, i was a little upset at first when I heard that they were doing it, but I think it'll look good. I can't wait.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
"She NEEDS to sort our her priorities" -Ronald Weasley
My pet peeve is people who can't freaking figure out what they want. It's like the easiest thing to do. I try to understand why you don't know, but its so simple. "I want some french fries from Burger King. Oh but I need to loose weight" Okay, so don't eat the fries. Done. Wow. That was SOOOO difficult wasn't it?
But not knowing what you want is just a side note of my frustration. Its the way you're 2 or 3 completely different people. You adapt to talk to others. You aren't anyone if you think about it. How am I supposed to trust you and know you if you don't yourself? You're unstable and it drives me crazy. You're insecure and I want to help. But because you're insecure you won't open up and admit it. Therefore there's no way to help. Way to go.
You're not the only one in my life like this. I'm probably speaking to like 5 people here...
And I don't hate you, I hate that part of you. I've seen the real you before, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that part. You know I do too. But you're just too overwhelmed by what people think of you to just let your real self show. It's a shame that people have that much influence over you. You must walk around with the heaviest burden to be what you think people want you to be. But you need to be what YOU want you to be.
I'm here if you need help. But don't expect me to tell you how to cut your hair, or what your should wear. I'll just help you figure out what you want. Hopefully...
How to Procrastinate
First we should look into why we would want to learn this trait. If you’re in high school and don’t know how then something is wrong. You’re one of those kids who turn that feature story in the morning it’s due, having already had it revised by your old English teacher, parents, and editor of the school newspaper.
Caution: If the above describes you, then you are over achieving and need to be more of a teenager.
The best way to begin the procrastination process is to get ride of the innate desire of being good. Forget that happy tingling feeling you get from turning your overdone assignment. In fact, forget the fresh stack of assignments folded in your binder waiting to be completed. Once you’ve mastered the fact that you aren’t willing to ever do the task you’re ready for the next step.
Find things to distract you. Often people dwindle away their time watching television. Great shows to get hooked on might be Heroes, The Office, or something completely pointless, Desperate Housewives. Beginning this habit can take time, be sure to set aside at least 2 hours a day for the new behavior.
Now you’re time is beginning to be filled up. That’s good: it means you’re another step closer to meeting the goal of procrastination. Here comes the fun part. Open the doors to everything you’ve ever wanted to do, but never felt you had time for. What used to happen on school nights was that you never went out to eat, because you were stuck at home doing homework. That life is in the past! Give in to the temptation it’s okay.
If you followed this plan correctly then you most likely have a different mindset. No longer will you ever have to face the pain of turning things in on time, or starting that project early to save room for even more homework.
Let me leave you with words of encouragement. This is a difficult habit to get in to, don’t give up. Keep following the steps and you will be a skilled procrastinator.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
The Czech Republic Blues...
What got me started was reading in the Newsstreak (our school newspaper) about how a guy in my grade went to France for a summer. He stayed with a host family, spoke french and was confused for a French person. It made me miss the Czech Republic SO badly.

That's a map. Obviously haha. But you can see Mikoluv, I lived there for a month. And then Lednice, I lived there for 9 months. I went to a school in both of those towns. They're 15 km apart. I miss it soooo much. I lived on Kimenskeho (name of my street) it was at the end of the row, and we could walk to railroad tracks. There were beautiful sidewalks everywhere. I loved that house it was SO big. We had a creepy basement that we found all these fur coats in, and we took so many crazy pictures. Our backyard was filled with apricot trees. And they would all fall down and we had to rack them up for our neighbors who wanted them to make wine out of.
There was the most beautiful bike path to brecslav. I would get SO tired because my mom and sister would bike so much faster than me and I couldn't keep up.
I miss the heat of that summer. It was SO warm. Probably because that was the summer of the heat wave. haha.
I remember walking to my friends house, drinking orange juice, and listening to Avril Lavigne and Brittney Spears. That was a really fun day. I felt so free walking around all by myself. It was SO safe there. Mainly because it was such a small town. We walked everywhere, school, post office, grocery store. There was no need to go anywhere else.

Except we did go to church in Brno. It was 30 min. away and they had an awesome mall there. And here in Harrisonburg, outside our target there are these big red balls, just as decoration i guess, but it reminds me of Brno so much. That Brno mall was when I first saw Harry Potter 2, Lord of the Rings 2, and Pirates of the Carribean. I'm pretty sure it was all in czech. But I can't remember. I also ate McDonalds fries there, with sweet ketchup on a very tall stool. I don't know WHY I have that memory but I do. haha. They had a pretty elevator there and one time my class went on a field trip to that mall and we went up and down that elevator SO many times.

This is a picture from Mikoluv. A view from some place that takes forever to get up to. But i remember it distinctly. I remember wanting to jump from roof to roof really badly.
Anyway, I miss the Czech Republic.
Our School Is On Lock Down
I think it's a drug search.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
I need to try harder
So, this six weeks I need to try even harder if that's even possible.
The Real World vs. High School
Monday, 1 December 2008
I just came back from lunch and I didn't have forensics practice! YAY! But I have it on wednesday... BOO. But I have musical rehearsal then. So everything kind of evens out. Plus I just had ice cream, so i'm happy.
I'm drawing a blank of what to say right now. I had all these thoughts and important things to say, but I guess I wrote it already in a note to my BFF. And I haven't seen her and I want to talk to her, and give her my flashdrive so she can give me music.
This post was pointless.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
It's quite Common... You can google it...
WHOA. this is a house, ON MD22!! The compound I hung out at EVERY Weekend. We used to hang out on the roofs of these houses. And run around the rows. One time we heard whistleing and got SO freaked out we booked it. I was so scared. We would eat grilled cheese in the dining hall. it was only like... 7 riyals. haha. And we would drink SO much ice tea with extra sugar water until we were bouncing all over the place. We'd go swimming at night, and play ping pong. There was always NOTHING to do, but at the same time so much. We would go cruising haha, we felt rebelous because girls aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.
Anyways, I'm done. I just can't believe that picture was on google.
I miss Saudi today, I think I'll go on a rant about it. I'm in an online class, and we're listening to "Sweet Home Alabama" and that song used to be so annoying. But actually it reminds me of my friends in saudi. Leah, Nikki, Christina, Victoria. In May of last year, (for Leah's 17th birthday) we went a Villa at a beach. We're were the ONLY ones there. And we had the entire Villa to ourselves. We had an open tab at the food place there. And it was WARM all the time. We slept with the windows open, and woke up to amazing sunshine. We tanned, and there was always music playing. The parents were all doing sheesha and I LOVE that smell, it was so relaxing. The nights were amazing too, it was dark with a warm breeze. And we ran around the deck. And did crazy stuff. And I had 5 red bulls that night haha. We had three pools all to ourselves. UGH I MISS IT!
Recently on the bus home, my friend gave me a red bull, and it was the first one I had tasted since then, and it was a HUGE wave of emotion just from TASTING it. I miss it so much!
Everyone is so relaxed there. I miss it. I think I've said that enough.
Well. Hopefully Leah will visit over Winter Break. And Victoria is going to college in Virginia so she'll be around more. But I miss the whole country of Saudi Arabia.
Back to reality...
I'm thankful for...
having an interesting book to read as an assignment in Ap Lang
AP Points
El Charro
My bff4ev
Christmas coming soon
Callbacks being OVER for the musical
People who write me lullabys and don't realize how much they're like Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen and Twilight in general
Space Heaters
Flash drives
Pain Reliever
Nail Polish
Long Weekends!!
Good Memories. (I miss Saudi Today)
Friday, 21 November 2008
Forensics... Uhhhh
There was our second Forensics meet, held at TA. It went okay.
My friend was there who didn't go last time and she and I made a pact that we would do it all through high school even though we hate it. And when she wasn't at the first meet it was so lonely.
Last competition I got 5th place, but this time I got 2nd! And I went against a lot of the same people, which means I improved a bunch. And i got a cheap medal. Which is an upgrade from cheap ribbon. =]
I'm aiming for 1st next time though, i think if I actually PRACTICED, and put effort into it, then I would do better. Maybe I'll start.
I'm doing The Wolfs Story; What Really Happened To Little Red Riding Hood. It's cute, but not that fun, and I'm not really into it. I guess cause I'm not usually affiliated with Wolfs. OR is it Wolves?
We were out until 10 at night, so it was hard waking up this morning. But then I got my Twilight shirt that we made so everything was peachy again.
OH yeah! And yesterday I found out I have a callback for the musical! I have one for the singing and acting day, and I have one for the dancing day. I'm excited for both.
Lunch, in 20 min.
Early Release
Going home with Emily
Going to see Twilight
Watching THMS's fall play
80's Dance
Staying the night at Emily's.
Isn't today PERFECT?
If only I didn't have so much online work to do.
Now, I shall annotate the schedule.
Lunch, in 20 min. HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY! I've eaten a granola bar and coffee today. and that's it, so i'm ready!!
Going home with Emily I haven't been there in awhile and hopefully I'll remember to bring my jacket back.
Going to see Twilight WOW. I have no words for that. I'm so excited, my friend told me it was good (despite the bad reviews) she said it's a good movie, but it just isn't much like the book. But if its a good movie, i'm okay. I'm prepared. I"M SO JAAZZZZEDDD. and I loved the shirts that we made. HORRAY.
Watching THMS's fall play Aww cuttie michael. I'm so excited. I love mr. strawderman.
80's Dance YES! even though NO ONE is going, it's still going to be fun. i love dancing. and hanging out and teasing my hair. ahahah i'm wearing skinnies, chucks, and a popped collar polo. WOO hoo. it's going to be great.
Staying the night at Emily's. Always fun. Heroes? maybe? yes.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
We've Got Elegance.
First of all. I've never been in a musical. But i love to sing, act, and dance, so I'm born for it right?
I want to be Minnie Fay. She doesn't sing a song all by herself, but she's still a leadish role. It's perfect. But really really talented people are trying out at the callbacks with me and they're all SOOOO GOOD. So I don't think I'll get it. But it's all worth the shot in the end.
I wish my BFF were doing it though. But then again, she would be stressed out, and I need her happy. So that's life I guess.
April, why are you so far away?
I went to Young Life. It was kinda weird, and not very fun. But it was fun hanging out with so many random people and meeting new ones. If i could drive myself there it would be worth it, but I don't want to make my mom drive me somewhere that isn't so important to me.
Speaking of things my mom has to drive me to. I got a callback! For the musical, Hello Dolly. I'm so excited. But that means she's going to have to pick me up after school Monday, and Tuesday. And she doesn't get home from work until 5:45. So I don't know how that's going to work at all. I hate that these things have to revolve around getting there. I can do anything, i just DON"T because i have no way of getting places.
That's why, in April, i'll be the happiest girl in the world. Especially because I'm good at stick shift driving now.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
The Desert Metropolis
After a few nights of getting over jetlag, the family decided it was time for a trip to Al-Rashid Mall. The three-story shopping center was filled with bustling international families all enjoying the last few days of summer. As she was browsing the shops she noticed several things.
Everyone was staring at her. She looked down at herself to see why, and noticed the difference immediately. She wasn’t wearing an Abiya, the long black robe that covered all the other women up. Men were giving her looks she’d never gotten before, and women were shaking their heads as if she should be ashamed of herself. She noticed that most of the women wore a hijab too, and realized her own blonde hair was standing out far too much. All she could do was tie it back, in hopes that people would stop starring.
A few men in long white thobes waved and smiled at her. She innocently smiled back, but soon realized that it was the wrong thing to do. The custom there was to never look men in the eye, or acknowledge them at all. Her father quickly told her this information. As she walked away, she felt their eyes burning on the back of her head. Feeling uncomfortable was an understatement for the 15 year-old girl. She wanted to leave the spotlight in the new foreign country as soon as possible.
Her new phone started ringing, she answered it and heard an unfamiliar voice on the other end. “Hello! I love you!” said the strange accent. She quickly hung up. How did they get my number? She wondered. A few moments later it began to ring again, and the same thing happened. She kept walking and tried to ignore the vibrations from her pocket. After it stopped she saved the number as “Don’t Answer!” for future reference.
She and her family continued walking to the different stories. Little kids were running around screaming, some of the little girls wearing frilly princess outfits, with the parents lagging behind talking in fast Arabic. Some young boys on roller skates nearly crashed into her as she was walking out of Zara, a big department clothing store. She felt weary of being on the look out, and wanted to sit down at the food court. Her family agreed and they glided up the escalator to the top level where it was located.
They decided to eat Subway, she got in line and people kept starring. She realized she was in the men only line, and quickly switched over to the women one. She waited, and ordered her sub for 12 Riyals. When the family had all their food they looked for a place to sit. She soon realized only men were sitting at the tables, the red and white-checkered gutras everywhere. She asked an Indian man at the counter where women sat, and he pointed to the “Family Section”. It was a walled in section, so no one could see the people there. She finally sat down with the rest of her family for some peace and quiet.
Workers in grey jumpsuits went around sweeping lazily, and weren’t ashamed to stare at the girl either. She couldn’t take it anymore, and the family decided to leave. They came out of the family section and the same men who smiled and waved before were there, they began to follow the girl, all the way through the mall. As they exited the building into the humid night, they men were still following.
Her father flagged down a taxi, and they began arguing about the price to take the family home. The driver managed, in his broken English to say 25 Riyals. The girls’ father wanted 20. Finally, they agreed and they began to drive home.
She just wanted to get to her house, despite how unfamiliar it felt, it was better than the exotic-smelling backseat of the taxi. Her phone began to vibrate again: Don’t Answer. A wave of weariness crept through her whole body. She didn’t remember walking from the taxi to her house, or getting into bed.
All she remembered was waking up. It was all a dream, and there was nothing to worry about, she thought as she opened her eyes, smiling. Let the first 5 minutes of her morning feel safe and happy, before she realizes it wasn’t a dream, and that she actually just spent her first week in the desert metropolis.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Life with a Soundtrack
My heart is beating faster than ever.
My head might break into a fever.
My stomach is going crazy.
Is everything moving or am I just dizzy?
The best part of all is I'm happy.
Everything is beautiful and sappy.
If only I could concentrate.
Because I can't turn this work in late.
It's like life all of a sudden has a soundtrack.
I'm everywhere but still on track.
This probably doesn't make sense.
I can't even write a normal sentence...
Monday, 3 November 2008
Election Tomorrow!
NO SCHOOL! YAY. Except that's not even the best part. I'm so excited for the results of the election to FINALLY be here. This obsession has controlled us for the past 2 years. There is so much hope for America now. For the first time since 2nd grade my parents will be happy with our president. (That is if Obama wins).
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Miley Cyrus is a Good Role Model

Miley Cyrus will not be the next Brittney Spears. A controversial topic in the hallways of high schools across America is whether you like Miley Cyrus or not. This sixteen-year-old actress/pop singer is one of the biggest stars today. She has her own show, “Hannah Montana” which is on its third season on Disney Channel. She’s had two movies made about it, and she recently did the voice of Penny in the new Pixar/Disney Movie Bolt. She has several albums and is still recording.
Despite all her hard work to earn the worldwide fame, several people believe she’s only famous because of her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, and that she’s a terrible role model because she has inappropriate pictures floating around the Internet. “Only insofar as she is the next most likely teen star to go Britney Spears on us. The 15-year-old has even ripped a page from Britney's handbook, publicly proclaiming her virginity while dressing for a hooker convention.” Said Martha Brockenbrough of MSN Cinemama.
This is a legitimate argument but they’re wrong. Yes, her father was/is a famous country singer, and good singing is in the genes. She had to audition for her show Hannah Montana four times to get the role. Yes, there are some bad pictures of her, but everyone makes mistakes. "I don't want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mom always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect." Said Cyrus. And anyone who all of a sudden skyrockets into fame is going to make more mistakes than usual. Everything she does is amplified, and she can’t help that. It’s unfortunate that she took those pictures, but that’s in the past now. “It was one honestly dumb decision. You know, there’s a first time for everything. It was my first time working with a big photographer and blah blah blah blah. I think I just kinda got put under pressure and that’s OK, ’cause I learned a lot from it. And I just know to trust my better judgment and my thought and my gut feeling. And so I just think: be a little more careful next time.” Said Cyrus.
She’s also a good role-model for weight, Teens and Tweens everywhere are upset because of their weight, mainly because of celebrities who refuse to get their picture taken while eating food (like Victoria Beckham), but Cyrus eats away for the camera; yet another example of showing kids that you don’t have to be perfect and there’s always a second chance.
The solution to all this controversy is to leave her alone. She’s working as hard as possible to be a role model. The pressure involved is intense. She’s posting GO GREEN videos on youtube, She’s involved in charitable causes all the time, like the Libby Ross Foundation, City of Hope, and Musicians on Call. Don’t choose her destiny for her, and put her in a box. If you don’t like pop, ‘happy-go-lucky’ attitudes, or the Hannah Montana series, that’s your opinion. She needs to be encouraged, so if you hate her, it won’t help to make a website about all the reasons why.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Monday, 27 October 2008
Monday Morning Blues

Friday, 24 October 2008

Thursday, 23 October 2008
♫NYC Just got here this morning! 3 bucks, 2 bags, 1 me!♫

Wednesday, 22 October 2008
*summer* WAIT STOP LIVE IN THE MOMENT! *but... summer!*

Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Why hello there Santa!

I just bought some Uggs. I got the lightest ones, they're called "Sand", and they're Tall. I love them. So it made me think of what else I want. Because during these online classes, that's like all we do, ONLINE SHOPPING!
Lets see... I want a cardigan, I saw the perfect one at Hollister the other day, and I don't normally shop there (but I like its atmosphere) and it was only 30 bucks! check it out. I love cardigans, they're like the perfect accessory.
I'd also like an iPod, because believe it or not, I don't have one! I'm not sure why... But I don't need anything fancy, just like an 8gb. That'd be perfect.
And of course, cash. You could give me that anytime. But I think I like gift cards better, cause i love having fun little cards in my wallet.

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